Students Prove Program Works
In May 2024 all 83 students in the third class who participated in the career coaching program for all four years graduated from Greene County High School. As the chart below indicates, the improvements being made across all categories are nothing short of remarkable.
The number of students on-track to graduate before senior year and those going on to college have nearly doubled. In addition to becoming better students, they are learning to become better citizens as seen in the 616% increase in the number of Community Service Recognition awards.
Along with providing career coaching experience, the Thillen Education Foundation also offers students financial incentives to excel. Over the past three graduated classes nearly $450,000 has been distributed.
The Program is working!

GCHS Welcome New Principal
There is a new/old face taking charge as the principal of Greene County High School (GCHS). It’s none other than John Ellenberg, the CEO of Greene College & Career Academy located within the high school. John will continue as CEO of GCCA as he takes on the additional role as principal of GCHS.
John was instrumental in helping the Thillen Education Foundation (TEF) set up the career coaching and financial incentive program in 2018 and is fully committed to seeing it continue to grow.
The Foundation is thrilled to see John take on responsibility for both GCCA and GCHS as he has clearly demonstrated his ability to produce results. This was shown recently in the GCCA 5-year Accreditation Review where the Accreditation Board gave GCCA a perfect score and declared it a role model throughout the State of Georgia.

New Career Coaches
Every summer the Thillen Education Foundation starts its search for 30+ new career coaches to work with 3-to-4 incoming freshman students entering GCHS. This year we are blessed to have 17 current career coaches who spent four years helping their “kids” graduate and have re-upped to usher a new class of students through high school.
Many career coaches mention that the psychic rewards they receive by helping less fortunate young adults succeed is simply immeasurable. We know it’s certainly not the money they receive as volunteers.
Thankfully this year we only need an additional 17 new civic-minded individuals to step up and volunteer as a career coach. If you or someone you know would like to learn more about being a career coach, please visit the website at: or send an email to

GCHS Graduation 2024
Greene County High School’s Tiger Stadium was once again filled to capacity with enthusiastic parents, relatives, and well-wishers, as well as a notable presence of career coaches. Over 90 students were part of the celebration including all 83 of the students who participated in the career coaching program (100% graduated).
Photographs captured the proud smiles of students, who proudly displayed chords and medallions celebrating their numerous achievements, including Thillen Education Foundation scholarships and career start packages.

$182,000 Awarded (2024)
Students in the class of 2024 who participated in the career coaching program received a total of $182,000 in financial assistance, awarded by the Thillen Education Foundation at Honors Night. Of the 83 graduating participants in the career coaching program, 39 received additional TEF financial assistance including 25 multi and single year scholarships, 4 career start packages and 10 military awards. Students earned $62,000 in Dave Dollars financial commitments throughout their high school career for academic and professional milestones achieved and $120,000 in Next Step Funds through applications for scholarships or career start packages. The distributed funds will help students to continue their education, launch their skilled trade careers or begin military service.

New! Delayed Decision Dollars
Greene College & Career Academy students have always been able to claim their earned Dave Dollars up to two years after graduation. Likewise, TEF now allows graduates of the career coaching program the ability to apply for a First-Time Scholarship or military start assistance up to two years after graduation. To qualify a student must first contact the foundation, then complete an application and agree to a meeting with a parent, their career coach and a representative of TEF.
The offering currently applies only to students in the first three graduated classes (2022, 2023 & 2024) who completed the program and did not receive a TEF scholarship previously.
For some students it takes a year or two after high school to sort out life situations and commit to continuing their education or military service. When appropriate, TEF wants to be there to support those students whose plans to improve their life take a little longer to come to fruition.
So far, one student from each of the graduated classes applied for the TEF Delayed Decision Dollars and received financial assistance.
Laptops for Graduates
During the Honors Night ceremony, every student in the academic Top 10 received a laptop computer and carrying case donated by a TEF business partner, Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP, and refurbished by TEF. Also, every student who received a TEF scholarship, career start package or military service award also received a laptop. In total, over 40 laptops were awarded which will equip the students with needed technology as they move on to their next step in life.

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The Thillen Education Foundation, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit proving that career coaching and earned financial assistance combined with the skills-based learning at Greene College and Career Academy at Greene County High School produces productive citizens.
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